Sunday, November 6, 2011

Live & Learn

8 things I have learned about relationships so far:
1. If there is a feeling better than love, I have not felt it. Take the risk and dive in with everything you have.
2. Enjoy the good times together as they are happening and be grateful for them.
3. Stay out of the future and in the moment. Now is certain.
4. Protect both your heart and your partner’s, whether the love is still there or not.We are human and we deserve kindness. We don’t need to add to the burdens we already carry by hurting others. Trust me, it doesn’t make thing better.
5. If your relationship starts to crumble, know when to put it down and let it be. Don’t grind it into dust.
6. You cannot continue to give to another person when you are not at your best; when you are so broken, so beaten down that you have no energy left. When talking has failed and words no longer have meaning, this is when you know it is over. When you feel like this, you have to do what is best for the relationship and for each other and wave the white flag to avoid further damage.
7. Some things just won’t work, no matter how badly we wish they would. Sometimes the match that felt so right just isn’t. Please don’t do more damage to your heart by trying to fix something that has past its expiration date. It will leave you raw.
8. It is okay to walk away from something that hurts you. It doesn’t require blame or justification. It just requires you to stop fanning the flames. You will find love again, and next time it will feel better.

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